
(Revision 8): Beginnings are difficult, thus, I am going to start with a question what is mysticism? For some mysticism is a mysterious practice shrouded in occultism, darkness, and fear.

The word mystic, conjures up images of a wizened old man with a long silvery beard, sitting at a old worn desk, stooping over a big tome and writing runes in a leathery scroll under the flickering light of an oil lamp. An ugly old hag in a long black robe, with a tall pointy hat peering into a crystal ball and muttering in a melodic alien tongue; or the gypsy woman at the circus reading a farmhands palm or telling a fortune with a creased deck of tarot cards.

It is images / myths like these that cast all mysticism into a bad light, by lumping all mystics together with Satanism and the occult.

So, what then is mysticism? It is the quest for truth and knowledge by persistently seeking to “Re-Unite” to Self with the, forever present creative force of the universe. This is also the true or root definition of the Latin word religio or religion. Mysticism is a spiritual discipline aiming at direct union or communion with the ultimate reality of god, through deep meditation or trance like contemplation.  In simpler words, the mystic is one who has or desires to have a personal relationship with infinity or the unnamed other we call GOD.

The purpose of these writing is to express the experiences I have had in my courtship, thus far, with the unnamed other. The experience of / with divine transpersonal reality is an individual one meaning that the experience varies from one person to another.

I believe that the experience of God is like a river and the Word, Truth, or Knowledge of God is the water IT-self. The width, depth, shape, color, and temperature are a few of the attributes that we see and use to describe the river, but these things are only variables. They change constantly depending on time and place. We often forget that the fundamental nature of water always remains a constant throughout its entire journey from beginning to end.

There are many ways to experience this river. One can sit at its bank and watch as it flows on by, meditating, thinking, and dreaming about its properties. Drive in get your wet and perhaps drift down stream until you find a nice comfortable pool in which you can stay awhile. Or you could go with the flow and be one with the river, perhaps even become the river. Which ever way, on chooses to examine this river, the experience will be different, but some elements will always remain a constant.

Before I launch into my writings, a word that you will often see is IT or ITS. What I wish to achieve is to remove all the limitations, especially gender, that people put on the Unnamed Other or God.

For some reason, I don’t understand, people like to put limits on what they are willing to believe about the Unnamed Other or Divine Transpersonal Reality. Therefore, one should think of IT / GOD as limitless, undefined, indescribable if possible.

The word IT summons up images of abstract or undefined or horrific things / creatures / objects where gender is unknown or natural. It is also the closest word in English for a genderless pronoun. For example, we could re-translate Genesis 1:27 as the Unnamed Breath created the Human in ITS own image, in the image of IT, IT created it; male and female IT created them. Since we were created male and female in the image of IT, therefore IT is also male and female. The word IT is a good term to use and to define something that is both male and female or neither male or female.

This is how I view or understand at present the Unnamed Other (from studies of biblical Hebrew as well as scriptures and other writings): as a thing, force, reality without boundaries or limitations, a singularity where all exists within a single space or point without an even horizon. An IT.