Thursday, March 24, 2011

Chapter 3: Pathways

In our beginning(s), we stepped out on to the road, the pathways of life.  At first we were clear as to what our destination was, the palace in the stars, but as Time drew on we got too comfortable with the many roads to walk and the new places to visit and experience.  All throughout the journey we lived in many house of different sizes and colors: Red ones. Black ones. Brown ones. Yellow ones. White ones.

Few have made it to the palace in the stars. The rest of us are still living in houses and walking the roads, lost without a light or a hope.  We have walked so many roads we have forgotten where the path home is.    (October 1994)

The flesh is only a vehicle to house ourselves; this is something we have forgotten in the many eons of time gone past. Jesus once said, “If the spirit came into beings because of the body, that is a marvel of Marvels” (Gospel of Thomas, Saying 29:2).

Sometimes windows and doors open up and close in our lives.  IT gives us chances, opportunities, to make great leaps and bounds into our spiritual development.  A short cut of sorts to enlightenment, I suppose one could say using Gnostic language.  The choice is ours as to whether we should step though or not.    
(October 1994)

One day such a door opened in the Holy Land of Israel. Not just for a me, but a we. This should have been the go ahead to slide on through.  One did just this. The other tippy-toed in and sprinted back out.  We were once one being whole, but now, we are one no more.                           (September 1995)

Many believe that the creator stands apart of his creation.  This is not so.  Jesus once said, “The Kingdom of God is within you,” (Luke 17:21b).  How can the Kingdom be inside and the Creator be outside?  Jesus also said, “I am the light that is over all things.  I am all: from me all came forth, and to me all attained.  Split a piece of wood; I am there.  Lift up the stone, and you will find me there” (Gospel of Thomas, Saying 77).  Your beliefs do not make sense.  Only the evil one stands outside.  Wake up people!  Wake up!!            (October 1994)

Some people have said that humans are products of their environments.  This contradicts everything I know about spiritual behavior.  How can it be?  Nearly all things in nature grow from the inside out.  Why should we be different?  Name me one thing in the plant and animal kingdom that grows from the outside in? Did I hear you say, “Nothing!”  Only disease grows this way!  If this is so, how can yourself expect yourself to grow from the outside in?

What good is it to dress up the outside if the inside still remains the same?  What good are morality, rules, and laws if the Soul is still twisted, black, and It-less?  The outer way is the widest gate; the inner path is the narrow gate.

The inward journey is the only road to take.  The inward path brings you to the door, which lies under the lake.  The heart.  The lamb.  The kingdom come.  These realities all reside on the other side.  Dive in, look around and seek the narrow door.              (October 1994)

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