Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Chapter 4: Connections

Every day is a beautiful day upon this tiny rock.  Every day is beautiful as long as you are in ITS flock.  Freedom follows as you fly free in the breath of life.  It blows like a fierce wind through everything once you realize.
(The very first one, October 1994)

There are many lakes in a sea; there’s many lakes in the infinite ocean deep.  All are separated by their own will.  All are part of the great whole, but being blind, don’t even know.

When we look out into the heavens at night, what do we see, infinitely many stars in the great, Great sea.  There are many languages and many great lands, there are many islands of humanity.  Only by arrogant ignorance do we assume that we are the only ones the Creator did make.  What would happen if another human came, landed in your backyard, who did not appear to be like us?

What would we think?

What would we do?               (October 1994)

ITS unimaginable, unfathomable; beyond all reason, IT is.  ITS colorful hues pierce this imaginary land, if one is aware, ITS glow can be seen in everything.

Round and round we go, dazed and confused as the dizziness grows.  Pain and suffering, birth and death, we will never know what to expect.  An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, what does this really mean?  An action deserves a mortal reaction? Is this what it says?  So, when do we pay for the deeds that we do?  Now or the next time we pass?  Is this justice or is this a hell?

In the end do we fuse back in?  Since in the beginning we were born from IT.  Made in ITS image as many have read.  Oh lord. Oh how, master IT, do we go about doing this, to give up the very ego we began with?                 
 (October 1994)

Thy kingdom come.  Thy will be done.  Do you realize what is at stake?  To open the door that leads to finity, what a lonely journey this is to take…

{I wrote the very first one on a napkin at, the family business, S&C lumber at the close of a lunch break. I was working the pond and I had just finished a tour of duty as a wildland firefighter. Which means the pieces could have been composed as early as mid September. I was living with my folks and saving money for a trip to Israel in January 1995.  All the pieces dated to 1994 were written, almost automatically, in under two weeks.  I was 26 and had just graduated from college with a degree in mathematics with a heavy minor in religious studies.  It was in this experience that I realized that I was a writer and wanted to make my living this way. I still have this dream today}

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